Call recording

One of the essential tools in any customer service center is the virtual switchboard. The numerous applications offered to this department make it possible to offer a quality, fast and efficient service.

Call recording is one of these applications that add value to the service. Therefore, it is essential that the virtual switchboard has this tool. Most companies use it for three main purposes: quality, training, or as a binding contract.

The Avanvoip virtual switchboard offers this feature, which is an extra benefit for companies.

Grabación de llamadas

What can I use call recording for?

Improve the quality of service

By recording the calls of agents, coordinators can obtain valuable information about the daily work carried out by them. These are data that will help the company to modify certain actions to make them more effective. Likewise, thanks to the recordings, it is possible to collect data on all the reactions that customers have before an argument or a promotion.

In this way, you can analyze the results and modify some point to make it more effective, if necessary.


This recording is a binding contract, and in order for it to be considered a legal process, it must meet a series of requirements. Among them, the most important is that the client must be notified at all times about the recording that is going to be carried out, and must accept the
same. In addition, the agent must read a legal text on the use that will be given to the data collected in the recording.

You are also obliged to provide a free telephone number and an email address where you can unsubscribe from the file where said data appears, if the user so wishes.

Cloud storage

Call recording and storage in the cloud allows companies to have the support of a platform with unlimited capacity, as well as various powerful search tools. In our case, we offer the recording of calls made both from a SIP extension and from a GSM terminal, linking the details of all of them within the same panel. All of them can be viewed in our Avanvoip Stats panel and can be reproduced and downloaded from the same panel.

Get more information

We can obtain information about the start, end and duration of the call. They are essential data for the organizers of the service when they have to prepare reports and statistics of the different departments of the company.

As legal resource

Call recording is essential in some types of companies, for a legal matter. When carrying out an oral contract to purchase a product or service through the virtual switchboard, the company has the obligation to record the conversation with the client.

Training support

When training new agents, it can be very useful to show them a selection of calls made. Coordinators, or recruiters, can teach new hires not only the calls made correctly, but also those made incorrectly.

In this way, new professionals have the opportunity to have first-hand access to the client’s reactions, and to know when the agent has done a good job or when they have not met expectations.

Do you need more info? Contact us!

You have the questions and we have the answers. Contact us and we will help you.


    FINALIDAD: Atender la solicitud del usuario.
    LEGITIMACIÓN: Consentimiento del interesado.
    CESIONES: No se prevén cesiones, excepto por obligación legal o requerimiento judicial.
    DERECHOS: Acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, limitación, portabilidad, revocación del
    consentimiento. Si considera que el tratamiento de sus datos no se ajusta a la normativa, puede acudir a la
    Autoridad de Control (
    INFORMACIÓN ADICIONAL:Política de privacidad.