Avanvoip-Teams Integration

Integration with Microsoft Teams is the answer to the need to adopt collaborative solutions in recent months, it has experienced exponential growth. Between them. Microsoft’s Teams tool is the leader with more than 80 million active users.

The integration of our switchboard with Teams allows you to make and receive external and internal calls from any user of the system from Teams.

What benefits do I get with this integration in Teams?

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    Share files.
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    Share screen during call or meeting.
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    Remote control of other computers during call / meeting.
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    Calendar and tasks.
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    Chat and video calls.
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    Phone book.
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    Total mobility with computer and mobile app.
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    Caller ID: your operator’s number for outgoing calls, and extension number for internal calls.
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    Make calls with a simple click.
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    Call external numbers showing your number Header.
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    Receive and make calls from external numbers.
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    Call recording.
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    Transfer calls.
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    Call History.
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    Combinable with desktop and mobile virtual switchboard telephones.
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    Call queue service.

Why integrate Avanvoip IP telephony with Teams?

To save time and increase productivity.

The main advantage of combining Teams and Avanvoip telephony is that you simplify the day-to-day of workers and help them save time on daily tasks.

To avoid problems derived from using many apps

The best way to avoid using several third-party apps to cover all your needs is to unify external and internal telephony in the same system thanks to our integration.

To facilitate teleworking

With Microsoft Teams all employees are always ready to telework. They only need an Internet connection and a laptop or smartphone to use their phone.

What type of license do I need?

It will be necessary to acquire the complementary license which allows you to enable features such as conferencing or the Office 365 telephone system.

To be able to enjoy the Telephony functions in Teams, you need an E5 license or if you have E1 or E3 licenses, you will have to add the corresponding Add Ons for telephony and conference rooms.

Do you need more info? Contact us!

You have the questions and we have the answers. Contact us and we will help you.


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    LEGITIMACIÓN: Consentimiento del interesado.
    CESIONES: No se prevén cesiones, excepto por obligación legal o requerimiento judicial.
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    del consentimiento. Si considera que el tratamiento de sus datos no se ajusta a la normativa,
    puede acudir a la Autoridad de Control (www.aepd.es).
    INFORMACIÓN ADICIONAL:Política de privacidad.