Telephone services in our cloud

We have solutions based on our proprietary cloud that help you always stay in touch with your customers and workers
You only need to have an IP telephone or telephone management software in your company and we will take care of the rest
Improve your service and reduce costs with <Avannubo>

Avanvoip system services

Within the PBX system, Avannubo offers a wide range of services that covers the most advanced
functions provided by this technology.

Contact center / Call center queues

Using Avannubo’s Call Center system, you will be able to collect real-time statistics from Agents.

SoftPhone AVANsip

Make and receive calls using our AVANsip application. The application is compatible for both Windows, Ubuntu, Mac and any Smartphone on the market


Use your preferred browser to receive and make calls. Useful in terms of <<click and work>> in user registration since from a web login, they are online, ready to process calls.

Avanvoip Stats

Avanvoip Stats is a web panel that uses the CDRs of the switchboard and displays them on the screen using graphs and mathematical formulas. At a glance, check how many calls you receive, answer, lose, talk time, waiting time, etc.

AvanVoIP integration with Microsoft Teams

Avannubo gives you the opportunity to make and receive calls from your Avanvoip switchboard from Microsoft Teams. By default, Teams only allows calls between colleagues from the same company but does not let you call external phone numbers.

Integration with CRM (Zoho, Salesforce…)

Avanvoip integrates with your CRM and offers you the following advantages:

  • Productivity
  • Record and call reminders.
  • Control and monitoring of calls.
  • View contact in CRM on incoming calls
  • View contact in CRM on incoming calls

Management panel

Configure and analyze your telephone resources from anywhere in real time.

Automatic attendant (IVR)

Organize your incoming calls. The user chooses an option to talk to a person or department.


We offer to save incoming, outgoing and internal recordings for a while. During this time you can listen to or download the recordings from the switchboard panel itself.

Outgoing identification using prefixes

By using the prefixes before dialing the external number, you will be able to identify yourself abroad using any DDI you have contracted.

Black list

View the complete call report with great detail.

Fax Virtual

Send and receive Fax from the comfort of a web panel. Just attach the PDF and the destination number to send it. You can view received faxes from the web panel or receive them from email.

Answering machine

An answering machine can be set up so customers can leave a voice message. You can listen to this message from the web page, dialing the answering machine from the extension or, in the same way as the Fax, receive them by email.


Prevent your workers from dialing certain higher cost external numbers, such as foreign numbers. These settings can be applied to each extension separately.

Conference rooms

Get in touch with multiple callers at the same time using a conference room.

Complementary services

In addition to the services described, we have a range of additional solutions aimed at facilitating
the day-to-day of users, offering greater integration with their workflow
without giving up the software of your choice.

AvanVoIP integration with Microsoft Teams

Avannubo gives you the opportunity to make and receive calls from your Avanvoip switchboard from Microsoft Teams. By default, Teams only allows calls between colleagues from the same company but does not let you call external phone numbers.

 AvanVoIP Stats

With Avanvoip Stats you will have a global vision of your telephone switchboard. You will be able to see, for example, total calls, answered and lost, answered and sent by agent, average time spoken by agent, average response time by queue and many more metrics. Do you need any special KPI for your company? We implement it.

Integration with CRM (Zoho, Salesforce…)

Avanvoip integrates with your CRM and offers you the following advantages:

  • avannubo_check
  • avannubo_check
    Control and monitoring of calls.
  • avannubo_check
    One-click dialing.
  • avannubo_check
    Record and call reminders.
  • avannubo_check
    View contact in CRM on incoming calls
Softphone - AvanSip

SoftPhone Avansip

Avansip Softphone is a multimedia application (software) normally offered by VOIP operators that works together with VOIP technologies (IP telephony) giving the user the possibility to make calls directly from their PC or Notebook.

Our softphone transforms your PC into a multimedia phone with voice, data and image capabilities. It allows calls to conventional telephones over the Internet and communicate internally with users within the company at no cost. We also have mobile apps.

Call recording

Call recording is one of these applications that add value to the service. Therefore, it is essential that the virtual switchboard has this tool. Most companies use it for three main purposes: quality, training, or as a binding contract.

Grabación de llamadas

Sending of Massive SMS

Send SMS to your customers directly to your latest customers from your website. Schedule company news or prepare massive campaigns or reminder messages for appointments, billing, individualized and keep maintenance informed…

Our partners

At Avannubo we collaborate with the best manufacturers in the sector to offer a
stable, secure and technologically unbeatable service.

Do you need more info? Contact us!

You have the questions and we have the answers. Contact us and we will help you.


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